How Are Rates Adjusted at Settlement?
June 1, 2021What Is An Easement?
August 1, 2021Fees for lodging conveyancing documents have increased from 1 July 2021. Examples of the most common fees are:
- The fee for lodging a transfer without consideration (i.e. a gift) at Land Use Victoria rises from $89.50 to $90.80.
- The maximum fee for lodging a transfer (with considerations equal to or greater than $1,500,000) rises from $3,600 to $3,601.
- The fee for lodging a mortgage or a discharge of mortgage rises from $110.80 to $112.40.
- The fee for a lodging a two-lot subdivision rises from $620.20 to $629.40.
- PEXA fees for a single title transfer rise from $116.60 to $117.92, and for a multiple title transfer rise from $133.54 to $134.97.
- The total fee for lodging a caveat on a single title using PEXA rises from $56.49 to $57.31, and for multiple titles rises from $68.70 to $69.63.
If you are looking for a reliable Melbourne conveyancing company, contact Glenferrie Conveyancing in Northcote on 03 9815 2351 for more information.