About Us

We have your back

At Glenferrie Conveyancing protecting your interests is our number one priority. Our experience and meticulous attention to detail enables us to identify issues in contracts that you may have overlooked, so that you can avoid unfavourable sales terms when buying and importantly, obtain peace of mind.

Answers when you need them

Because we know that you often need answers urgently, we respond to your queries quickly and get things done when we say we will. We are also open in the evenings and on weekends, and also during January.

Affordable rates

Though we are meticulous in our attention to detail, we keep our costs low.

A complete conveyancing service

Glenferrie Conveyancing will take care of your property transactions from beginning to end, so your whole experience is seamless and stress-free.  We also operate a general trust account.

Our basic fee is only $780 plus GST and disbursements (i.e. the cost of any necessary Titles Office searches or property certificates).

The PEXA electronic settlement fee ($137.39 or $157.19 if there is more than one title involved), and (for buyers only) stamp duty and Land Use Victoria lodgement fees are payable separately at settlement.

Additional fees may apply for those clients requiring additional conveyancing services.  Please see “Our Services” and “Conveyancing Fees” for more information.

Glenferrie Conveyancing

Originally operating in Hawthorn, but now located in Northcote, Glenferrie Conveyancing Pty Ltd is a licensed conveyancer that holds the prescribed professional indemnity insurance, maintains a general trust account and is a leading subscriber to the PEXA electronic settlement system. We deliver a low cost, high quality and fully comprehensive conveyancing service, giving our clients an unmatched level of personal attention.

Andrew Rothfield – Director

Andrew has been delivering high quality conveyancing outcomes for his clients since 2012. But his career began in a very different field. Before qualifying as a licensed conveyancer, Andrew worked for 22 years as a hospital doctor specialising in obstetrics. He brings the same meticulous attention to detail, ability to cope under pressure and care for his clients to his conveyancing practice.

Electronic settlement is mandatory for almost all transfers of land in Victoria since 1 October 2018. Electronic settlement is different from manual (paper based) settlement as follows:

  • All of the electronic documents involved in the settlement (i.e. Discharge of Mortgage, Transfer of Land and Mortgage) are electronically verified for correctness by Land Use Victoria before settlement, this avoids the possibility of any of these dealings being refused at lodgement. Electronic lodgement at Land Use Victoria costs a little less than lodging the equivalent paper document – e.g. $9.60 less for a Discharge of Mortgage or a Mortgage, and either $9 or $10 less for a Transfer.
  • A paper Certificate of Title is not produced at settlement. Instead, an electronic Certificate of Title is used in its place, and this cannot be lost or mislaid.
  • Bank cheques costing up to $15 each are not used at settlement, all payments between the parties are made by EFT, and sellers have access to their sale proceeds within an hour of settlement, rather than having to wait several days for their deposited cheque to clear.
  • Settlement payments to authorities (e.g. Council, Water, Owners Corporation and Land Tax) are typically made by BPay (and not by cheque).
  • There is no settlement meeting requiring the personal attendance of all of the parties, the settlement is performed using an on-line workspace, and it proceeds automatically to completion as scheduled after all of the parties have given their on-line consent.
  • Property Exchange Australia, the provider of the electronic settlement platform, offers an app called PEXA Key. If you have uploaded PEXA Key onto your mobile phone and registered, you’ll be automatically notified that your settlement has completed.  You can also use PEXA key to securely transmit or receive bank details to or from your conveyancer.
  • Stamp duty and Land Use Victoria lodgement fees are paid as part of the electronic settlement, and the Title is updated by Land Use Victoria to show the new ownership.